VR-Wanderlust App

Concept Project


Origin Story

Most of us love traveling, but having to

  • plan a vacation 

  • book flight/ hotels 

  • plan day off 

  • coordinate with others

  • packing my bag 

would take a toll on us. For example, If I want to travel to Paris now, but thinking of practical hitches will make me see the place 10 days or a month later.

I realized many face this in different scenarios like work, vacation etc. Hence originated a solution Wanderlust.



My goal was to create a mini concept project by identifying the brand styles and attributes. An app thats more technology friendly and forthcoming.


A Virtual reality simulation software that lets you travel to your favorite dream destination at will.


Wanderlust aspires to be your travel partner. Bringing you the experience of the world through virtual reality simulation and touch technology.  

You can travel the world whenever you want with no concerns in mind.

Timeline: 1 month.


Problem Statement:

1. Physical

Physical hitches with planning to go to a new place.

2. Psychological

Limited motivation and inspiration in daily chores.

3. Financial

Can’t always afford fancy destinations.

4. Physiological

Stress involved in covering multiple places of interest.


Target Audience

Generation Z: Sometimes referred to as “The Founders”, Defined as those currently between ages 20 to 28, polls indicate that 79 percent of Generation Z Internet users are interested in VR.

Millennials: Not far behind Generation Z are Millennials–73 percent of whom would consider purchasing a VR headset.

Baby Boomers :The study also reported that 64 percent of Baby Boomers have positive feelings associated with virtual reality.


Things You Need

10-Things you need.png

User Engagement

1. Whenever you can devote an hour time away to fully engross yourself and feel the experience. 

2. You can even do it on mobile app, during commute or at your leisure at home.

3. You can invite friends to join you in the experience. 

4. You can set notifications when your stop comes during commute or when at home, set push notification.

5. You can add a tour guide, who can walk you through this experience. 



I wanted to make sure the pen and paper work is translated digitally. Hence used sketch to make these wireframes as best to sync the physical device and an easy to use interface.

13- wanderlust3 copy.png
15- wanderlust5 copy.png
15- wanderlust5 copy 2.png

Product experience

7-Things possible-what.png




I focused on creating a quick and simple interaction which also resembles conventional pen and paper method. Once the physical device is configured, you can choose your desired street, city or country etc. There would be recommendations, filter options and name of the videographer on every video.

First Login Screen

First Login Screen

Set Preferences

Set Preferences

Setting dashboard

Setting dashboard

Syncing your physical device

Syncing your physical device

Home Page

Home Page

Once you click your favorite location, video plays

Once you click your favorite location, video plays

Travel brings a feeling of


Summing Up

It took me about a month to design the app, starting from research to final screens with the guidance of my mentors. Designing this app was really fun and it also helped me in improving my UX flow, UI and Interaction design skills.

This project was mainly focused on creating a brand and being a dreamer, because VR might be a technology which many still feel confused or don’t see themselves using it yet. But this was my way of saying only an idea breeds into material design.


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