Transit - Get-On App

Public Bus Commute made easy



After talking to my friends, colleagues, bus commuters, and having personal experience, I saw everyday bus commuters face an unaddressed problem. People spend a long time at their bus stops, waiting for their next bus with seats available or at least standing room to reach work or fulfill other commitments.



My role as a designer is to be a User Researcher, UX designer, Wireframe Designer, and Visual Designer at different stages to make a useful and engaging mobile app.

Timeline: 3 months

Problem Statement

Sure, we have many apps to tell us the next bus arrival, but they never tell us buses will not stop, either because it’s full or no seats are available.



Create an app flow to improve the satisfaction of bus commuters around the city, focusing on a way to provide information about seats available / standing room. It allows to plan when to leave and save wait time.



Main goal is to focus on a particular feature and user flow which other apps are missing and reduce the friction for the users during bus commute. It is not to create a complete new app from the beginning.



Keeping in mind the real life where we don’t have endless time to work. Main constraint was to keep a 3 month timeline and create an MVP (minimum viable product).



Design Thinking - Non linear process

Design Thinking - Non linear process


Research - Survey

I conducted survey with people who have experience commuting via bus and almost all had faced problems with real time accuracy, delays and buses not stopping because they are full.

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Survey questions:

Key questions from my survey that gave me insight into their daily commute patterns were:

  1. How often do you use public transport?

  2. How much time do you spend in commute?

  3. Would you prefer getting a seat or standing room?

  4. How do you pass time in your bus commute?

  5. What are your current problems with your commute apps?

I also interviewed 3 of them whose feedback is different from the rest and tried to understand their needs. I analyzed the data and came up with important data points that users are looking for.

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User stories - Pain points from interviews

User stories - Pain points from interviews


Competitive Research - SWOT

(Google maps, Waze, MTA transit etc.)


  • Doesn’t say if bus has any seats / standing room / full or empty

  • Sometimes, doesn’t show alternate routes and other buses

  • Doesn’t have a crowdsourcing provision

  • Battery and memory Overload - extremely slow


  • Easy navigation from point A to B

  • Clean interface and simple to use

  • Watch your transit vehicle approaching on a map in real-time



  • Provide information about the next bus with seats available / standing room / full or empty

  • See real-time arrivals for nearby buses

  • setting your most used routes on top as favorites with notification

  • Plan when to leave with accuracy

  • Make it personal - show rain safe, snow safe


  • Strong competition from other brands

  • If any established apps are planning to implement similar idea



Persona #2.jpg

User Journey

Journey Map Style #3.jpg

Use case & Hypothesis

Commute_Hypothesis (1).png

affinity diagram



Brainstorming was the most crucial part of the project. Here I had to come up with as many solutions as possible, along with ideas from different individuals who also helped share their perspective. Below were the three main ideas which then were filtered.


Book a Seat

This idea was to facilitate seat booking on local and express buses


Bus Camera

Through live bus camera feed to the app, seat availability or standing room is notified to users.



Here, the idea was to build a community were people can share their information on the app to help other users.

Although seat booking is a more error-free approach, doing it in peak hours can be a hassle especially when buses can overtake each other in seconds. Elders and others who are not using apps but using paper tickets will be restricted.

Bus camera is another idea for live feedback from users as a solution. This would give more accurate results. The only concern was trespassing people’s privacy. Hence no pictures will be shared but only a matrix of their exact seating placements.

After several iterations I realized crowdsourcing is not the best for seat information but it is effective for knowing number of people at the bus stop.



Board 1.png


These wireframes slice shows the sign up, hot spots of where the buses near you are located in real time and search for destination

These wireframes slice shows the sign up, hot spots of where the buses near you are located in real time and search for destination

This slice shows the list of buses to your destination and seat view from bus camera and bus route

This slice shows the list of buses to your destination and seat view from bus camera and bus route

Here you can see the settings screen, report number of people waiting at bus stop to help others and push notification

Here you can see the settings screen, report number of people waiting at bus stop to help others and push notification


Brand Guide







Tab bar

Slice-tab bar.png



High Fidelity - Wireframes

On boarding screens

On boarding screens

Settings and favorite route screen

Settings and favorite route screen

Information about near by buses from you and number of people waiting at bus stop

Information about near by buses from you and number of people waiting at bus stop

Seat information gathered from bus camera and a zoomed in view of your location

Seat information gathered from bus camera and a zoomed in view of your location

Your route navigation to destination and how through crowdsourcing you can report people waiting at bus stop

Your route navigation to destination and how through crowdsourcing you can report people waiting at bus stop

If user doesn’t prefer manual input like crowdsourcing in the earlier screens, then an alternative push notification that just lets users thumbs up / down or an easier entry with least effort.

If user doesn’t prefer manual input like crowdsourcing in the earlier screens, then an alternative push notification that just lets users thumbs up / down or an easier entry with least effort.




Take Aways

This was a huge learning experience which helped me improve my decision making abilities at crucial moments and go with best solutions. After the project, I think the most useful was to practice the UX methods. These methods like user flow, information architecture, personas, scenarios, has helped me analyze requirements, understand what users really want. It also let me focus on solving real world problems in an agile fashion.

View more of my works


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