Google Lens



In June 2017, Google launched Google Lens which is set to further redefine how we search for information online. It allows you to simply point, shoot and search an image from your very own smartphone.

Coming from a tech background and enthusiasm for emerging technology, Google lens caught my attention. uses AI, machine learning, and optical character recognition (OCR) engines to help people in their daily lives. I see the camera opening up a whole new set of opportunities for information discovery and assistance.

So this is my personal take on Google Lens. And how I would redesign this App.


Why Redesign?

But Google lens is not always right, this is because a machine learning algorithm is only as good as the data that it learns from. With the technology that Google has advanced in, I see the opportunity to fill this gap with better error-free interface, where instead of asking user for eg: “Is this shoe?” it could say “This is Nike shoe”. This gives us more confidence to trust the system with the results when the search is much more complex. Hence, I took this challenge to redesign Google lens which would serve as a more reliable app.

This is not to say Google lens has to avoid what they are doing now and start implementing my ideas. This is just my interpretation. Also to flex my UX muscles and become a better designer.



My role as a solo was to make it seamless end to end. Going through several iterations through user flows, low fidelity and high fidelity wire-framing, mockups and workable prototype as a UX, interactive and visual designer.



These are the areas I have mainly focused. Since it is a shoe, as a user he/she would expect more accurate results than a question for them. To avoid misinterpreting candle as chutney or in general avoiding uncertainty than saying “Not sure. These r…

These are the areas I have mainly focused. Since it is a shoe, as a user he/she would expect more accurate results than a question for them. To avoid misinterpreting candle as chutney or in general avoiding uncertainty than saying “Not sure. These results might help”



Since in real life we don’t have endless time to work, main constraint is to keep a 2 months timeline and create an MVP (minimum viable product).



Solution is to redesign Google lens. A usable MVP (minimum viable product) using Image recognition technology to search the real world, which can recognize, analyze and interpret images accurately.



Ux process doesn’t follow a linear methodology. But for the purpose of case study, I have curated the idea in a linear fashion in the following categories:

colors copy.png



Image recognition technology - has many benefits

  • Recognize and offer information about historical landmarks

  • Scan barcodes and QR codes

  • Recognize books, CDs, artwork, logos, and other 2D objects

  • Add contacts by scanning business cards

  • Recognize and conduct a search for similar products

  • Solve Sudoku Puzzles

  • Translate foreign language text





Taptapsee- This mobile camera app is designed to address the needs of blind and visually impaired users.

Camfind -This app offers a mobile visual search engine. Take a picture of an object and the app will tell you what it is and generate practical results like images, videos, and local shopping offers.

Google reverse image search - It will help you find the original source of photographs, memes and profile pictures on your Android mobile phone, iPhone or iPad







Google Lens-Page-2.jpg


First few screens of how the Google lens would identify an object and also set reminders

First few screens of how the Google lens would identify an object and also set reminders

User profile and gallery image which can later be selected and it does the Image recognition

User profile and gallery image which can later be selected and it does the Image recognition

The results after correctly recognizing the object along with way to make them your favorites or share with friends and social media

The results after correctly recognizing the object along with way to make them your favorites or share with friends and social media


Google lens before and after redesign


Brand Guide


Color and Typography

Color and typography.png

Iconography Navigation bar and Logo

logo_navigation bar.png

HIGH FIDELITY - Wireframes

Screens showing the process from finding an object, recognizing by camera and providing results. It also focuses on features such as shopping carts, gallery search, location, videos, web search, set reminders, and a way to share the picture with fri…

Screens showing the process from finding an object, recognizing by camera and providing results. It also focuses on features such as shopping carts, gallery search, location, videos, web search, set reminders, and a way to share the picture with friends and family

Gallery images, your saved favorites and Google profile settings.

Gallery images, your saved favorites and Google profile settings.

Another alternative image recognition picked from gallery instead of something in front of you.

Another alternative image recognition picked from gallery instead of something in front of you.


Interactive prototype


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